non-performing loan

non-performing loan
сокр. NPL банк. неработающий [недействующий\] кредит [заем\] (кредит, по которому в течение определенного времени не выполняются условия первоначального соглашения о выплате процентов и погашении основной суммы долга, т. е. кредит, по которому в течение определенного периода заемщик не производил платежей; период просрочки может выделятся кредитными учреждениями по разному, но обычно кредиты считают неработающими, если выплаты просрочены более чем на три месяца)

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не действующий кредит: кредит, по которому не выполняются условия первоначального соглашения, т. е. не уплачены проценты за срок свыше 90 дней, изменена по соглашению процентная ставка, проведено изъятие собственности, предоставленной в залог по ипотечному кредиту (США).
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недействующий кредит
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непроизводительный кредит; невозвратный кредит
. . Словарь экономических терминов .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "non-performing loan" в других словарях:

  • non-performing loan — ➔ loan1 * * *    A loan on which neither interest payment nor principal repayment is being made. When a bank has such a loan on its books, it can either write it off against profits immediately or make loan loss provisions ready to make such a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Non-performing loan — A non performing loan is a loan that is in default or close to being in default. Many loans become non performing after being in default for 3 months, but this can depend on the contract terms. “A loan is nonperforming when payments of interest… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-performing loan — Notleidende Kredite (auch Non performing Loans, Problemkredite oder umgangssprachlich Faule Kredite ) sind Kredite, bei denen der Schuldner mit der Erfüllung seiner Pflichten bereits in Verzug geraten ist, beziehungsweise die Bank auf Grund der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Non performing loan — Notleidende Kredite (auch Non performing Loans, Problemkredite oder umgangssprachlich Faule Kredite ) sind Kredite, bei denen der Schuldner mit der Erfüllung seiner Pflichten bereits in Verzug geraten ist, beziehungsweise die Bank auf Grund der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • non-performing loan — /nɒn pɜ:ˌfɔ:mɪŋ ləυn/ noun US a loan where the borrower is not likely to pay any interest nor to repay the principal (as in the case of loans to Third World countries by western banks) …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • performing loan — ➔ loan1 * * *    A loan is performing if the borrower is paying the interest on it.    ► See also Non performing Loan. * * * performing loan UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE a loan that the borrower is paying back as agreed in the loan arrangement: »If… …   Financial and business terms

  • Non-Performing Asset - NPA — A classification used by financial institutions that refer to loans that are in jeopardy of default. Once the borrower has failed to make interest or principal payments for 90 days the loan is considered to be a non performing asset. Also known… …   Investment dictionary

  • Non Performing Asset — means an asset or account of borrower, which has been classified by a bank or financial institution as sub standard, doubtful or loss asset, in accordance with the directions or guidelines relating to asset classification issued by The Reserve… …   Wikipedia

  • non-performing — UK US (also nonperforming) adjective ► FINANCE, BANKING used to describe a loan that is not being paid back in the way that was agreed: »Banks do not have to declare loans as non performing for a year after non payment of interest. ► FINANCE used …   Financial and business terms

  • Non Performing Assets (NPA) — A ‘non performing asset’ (NPA) was defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/ or installment of principal has remained ‘past due’ for a specified period of time. With a view to moving towards international best practices… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-performing loans — Notleidende Kredite (auch Non performing Loans, Problemkredite oder umgangssprachlich Faule Kredite ) sind Kredite, bei denen der Schuldner mit der Erfüllung seiner Pflichten bereits in Verzug geraten ist, beziehungsweise die Bank auf Grund der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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